The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Life Journey'

The highway of life

The highway of life is busy, don’t dawdle or you will be trampled over.

Pick up your bed and walk.
If not, don’t leave it in a main thoroughfare for others to trip over and be crippled by your issues.

Life is a parachute until someone forgets to pull the cord and then reality strikes hard.

Life is a ball, it bounces according to the terrain.

Life is a mistake if you cannot be aware of how precious you are.

August 26th, 2010

Be at peace with who you are

People are the source of their own life story contained within their mind

Be at peace with who you are for here there is a great amount of information that has been stored over time. Information to be utilized and understood, to be cared for and valued, in order that life is considered an irreplaceable part of a necessary formula which only the master planner knows infinitely.

How can I lead a good life?

The answer to all these type of questions about life resides within where we quite readily know the answer.

Be quiet, so very still that the answer to your life story is able to be heard clearly coming into your head, the mind of thought.

Go and be quite at ease with your life as it is there for you to unravel, care for and appreciate.

Go and be at peace for nothing is ever able to be attained out of a loud array of noise, a difficult pace, an angry crowd or a time of sorrow  loss and despair.

Be at peace with who you are, as you are, for at this time there is nothing more important than you and your amazing life adventure on Earth.

Take away the God of Goodness and you are left with nothing more than loss, despair and courage gone awry.

August 8th, 2010