The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Life Journey'

Mind does matter

Music my love, my song, my joy.
Music the instrument, the ploy
of what in life is offered to all,
but what of our Self, the soul does say
when in the mood of need to have
the sound that those instruments play?

Maybe, perhaps who knows…
only that part within
that gives as always regardless
of who you are and how you relay.

God in her wisdom knows only too well
how efficient, effective and calming
can be the sound of an instrument
specifically designed to please all
including the individual like you and me.

Mind does matter for there it is being stored
all your favourite songs to relay
while in need they come back
and here for you any time any day.

July 3rd, 2014


Progress –
that is what I need to make
that is what every man must do…

Awaken to his true self
that hidden part
where soul and self unite
and in our human way
we can then all lead a more fulfilling,
appreciative style each and every day.

July 2nd, 2014

Can I call you home

Can I call you home dear, can I call you to come back in
and here upon my breath, breathe that life within?

There is a time of adventure and a time of rest,
but here on planet earth in the West
there is no time to spend at peace and in reflection
as it is far too much into greed and unrest.

God help those of a different breed who take life seriously,
well toward a life of pleasant thoughts
and endearing types of end.

It is a time when unrest is everywhere it appears
and our globe is under duress
as it panics and goes into some form of a dilemma tragically.

Who am I that calls you, that is your question I hear,
but this is not about you as much as
what you in that life on earth can do for me.


June 29th, 2014

No way forward

No way forward
tragedy ahead
times are changing for the better
but who or what said that?
Surely not the media
for they are so afraid
if they follow any other pattern
life for them will be radically destroyed.

I know the answers
do you for yourself?
That is the most important stand
if you are able to value who you are
then all the questions are easily understood.

What is the evidence
to make me believe
other than the world news?
Easier said than done –
Trust your own experiences
of where you stand
and who in your neighbourhood
you treat with an equal hand shake.
No mistake about who you are then
clear as clear the evidence –
but do you want to believe
you are that type or not
for that is the problem
we do not think past the television soap op.

No need to worry
the world will last
the use by date is over
but that does not mean
life will not be possible.

The question for today’s thinkers
is quite a lot to contend
for they are fully embracing
that the style is not conducive
to what in the past was an ideal.

No such luck in the future
if the world does not cease its unfair game
where corporations ruin everything
that the politicians in their bought lifestyle allay.


October 20th, 2013

Faster than a bullet

Faster than a bullet
down a major highway
faster than a bullet
shot out into space
faster than anyone or anything.

Whatever is it …?
Life –
that is what is faster
than for any other thing.

Don’t take your chances
shoot real straight
for in that endeavour
there is a slim as slim chance
you may be granted heaven
in the final round.

If not who knows
burn out or burn up
who does know
or who does want to care.

The chances of life being absolute
is a misnomer
and if you go that way
you will probably die in bed
without a care
and in where you are bound.

But if life matters that is yours per say
let us hope beyond hope
that you stay straight
on that life is for living highway.

September 3rd, 2013