The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Choice / Change'

The weather bleak – the opportunity awaits

Sorry I have been out of sorts
trying to maintain the evidence
of my sincerest of reports.

The weather bleak
from where I have been
watching and waiting
for some form of evidence
to report

but what I found deep within
was a message about
how we all appear to behave
when faced by the ugliest,
gravest situation
forced to now admit
that we as others have not been
honest and forthright about what we did
and have done to those less fortunate
and in them have burdened all
by our horrendousness.



March 2nd, 2017

Who am I amidst this shame

Who am I amidst this shameful deed
of killing and maiming
with utter belligerence and speed?

Who am I that shifts this blameful
shameful disgusting deceitful deed?
Who acts on my behalf politically
and shamefully agrees
it is another not them
that causes harm to those without?

Who is it that sits and shouts,
cries out?
Not those with a voice of care
about the violence done everywhere,
but political expedients
to gain what?
Surely not to line those corporate crooks?

Life goes on and we prefer to deny.
Why I ask myself? Why?
Is there some form in the West –
a type of belligerence
that prefers to deny
as a way to arrest – all that shameful mess
carrying on around the globe?
Denying what in everyone’s mind
is a Westernised drone mentality.
A type of deceitful game play.


February 3rd, 2017

Lift me up Lord …

Lift me up Lord
before I die.
Lift me up Lord
before I see the finale
of what on earth
You declared exceptional,
but man has destroyed.

Lift me up Lord
before I no longer perish
among the many
who before You remain.

Lift me up Lord
for I am about to die.
Not from the evolution of man’s life
of natural birth to death remains
but of the thunderous, murderous carnage
of man’s revolting game play.


January 12th, 2017

Climbing up the wall to China

Climbing up the wall to China
will not reach Heaven.

Heaven is a place in Paradise.
A place of the imagination
about whether you are good or bad
right or wrong, religious
or not Christian or another faith.

That faith is what Heaven is all about.
That act of behaviour is what Heaven is to predict.
Not what you are or are not
in the world of war and fighting
despicable acts.

This is a world
where the peace has no place.
The peace of other nations
once ruled in ardent attempt
to be kind not cruel.
This now has become Hell.

Hell, a place of ardent cruelty and viscous intent.
To rule without mercy and care.
To subject without care and consideration.
To war without mercy
to decide the outcome
other than to be subservient
to those of greed and wealth stores elsewhere …


January 7th, 2017

Careful how you tread

Tragedy strikes when one is ill-aware.
Problems surface, as I out of nowhere.

Blindly we follow, any direction suits
when we discover a powerful agency
telling us what in their opinion
suits their outcome.

And we, greed-induced follow as to a peril
as yet not in our best interest or benefit.
If we deny that of experience
and our own inner direction,
let alone our vital source – truth.

Seek not what you desire
if work is not involved
and a plan of effort
to reflect
to establish
to define
to rework when required
fix any section desired,
but of a less favourable and risky outset.

Take no prisoners along your journey’s route.
By this I mean behaviour and in how you value
and to others respect.

December 18th, 2016