The Clever Observer

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So long – good bye

So long, goodbye, man has lost his way
fortune was his craving
and hence greed was his way to play

but how am I to fortune seek
with so many bewildered at their game,
it does appear that no-one
but the rich and political
those without a conscience, get that spoil.

However is one to join that share?

I told myself quite often
that fair play and equity was the way
to be sharing what life provides,
but I unfortunately was mistaken
for here in jail I am
for what in honour I did live and portray.

God bless the innocent
for they are not the criminals
like those in powerful positions –
corporates and the like.
But who does their bidding
not the liberation thinkers
no the architects of crime

So what on earth are we to be doing
the so-called elite without power,
the ones who they are now it appears
going to blame?

What are you …
among so many powerful elite to do –
but bargain for a better state of equity
and that requires a thoughtful stand.

But who is to lead
surely not each one of us
that could not be true?

But I ask of you
what option now do you have
And the answer clearly stated is
but volunteer with love.

July 5th, 2013