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The weather bleak – the opportunity awaits

Sorry I have been out of sorts
trying to maintain the evidence
of my sincerest of reports.

The weather bleak
from where I have been
watching and waiting
for some form of evidence
to report

but what I found deep within
was a message about
how we all appear to behave
when faced by the ugliest,
gravest situation
forced to now admit
that we as others have not been
honest and forthright about what we did
and have done to those less fortunate
and in them have burdened all
by our horrendousness.



You have to wake up
and face your own truth
that life on this planet
is under phenomenal duress.
Stressing trees, rivers wide deplete.

Man has, in his worthlessness
tried to contain everything he greets
whether other human folk
or those of the dangerous tribal breed
that he considers evil and must eradicate.

While in them
these tremendously richly inspired,
there is tremendous evidence
that they themselves have tried
to maintain and contain a virtuous stand
to preserve land and seas, rivers wide
so we can have a follow up
of generations to follow from now
that worship everything we did
and they did try to preserve.


Satisfied – I don’t think so.
Man an ugly Westernised beast
and women too have lost permanency
and that of nurturing.

What a debacle.
What a state of affairs
to live in a world where
no one actually, really does care.


You are the factors
in a wide scale birth
to preserve all that is
and comes from the earth.
That of nature supremely expressed
to know that within, we too are bountiful
and need to preserve that of our best.


March 2nd, 2017