The Clever Observer

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Choked by dust

The weather wild
a storm per say
but more of the winds of politicians
blowing out war again this day.
Loss, destruction, violence, mayhem
people idle – what became of them?

No voice.
Choked by dust.
Dust of the silence
when bred out of lust,
greed induced.
Silent as saints
but devilment
at not talking and voting –
‘No war’.

So silently sit, disgraced I hope.
So next move and speak out
to quell a storm
they in turn, will all no doubt,
burn in a hellish cloud
of nuclear thrust.

Don’t wait
Gorbachev is long gone.
Putin’s man is left to decide
and with an Obama –
hell you have lost.
No way for you to vote
election a corporate man stand

May 23rd, 2016