The Clever Observer

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No peace declared

Lift your game.
No peace declared
You’re on your own.
Stand tall against an on coming crowd
for here the rage of ages doomed
comes in waves for the present
what is in store but declared no more.

Love your neighbour by the score
as they infiltrate once more
to those views you share with all
through a television screen
or film exploited view of life.

Lift your game and come to understand
we the American public have no idea at all.
Love is sprouted by the Christian right
but have no understanding
what a lot of rot they spout.

Love is more about the care
to those toward hardship
and have no hope
of lovingly caring in safety any more


Love your neighbour
what a hoot
no such thing in the Bible belt.
Love those of colour, creed or the same.
Love those of difference of opinion
not necessarily yours the same.

Give a little, an extension of hope
by letting down your boundaries
for they are totally worn out.

Give yourself a little shame
and right the wrong
whether liked or not
that is the only hope for the terrorist to stop
bantering the artillery, minor
from your horrendous shameless lot.

You are the arbiter
of shamefulness, but careless.
You are the problem.
Stay at home and fix
what in you is your rot.
Sort out the problem.
Lift your game.
Share with others less fortunate
for you in propaganda street
have no idea what love is,
let alone fair and rightful play.

For in the Cassino
you level your game to a few
and they care less
including those to whom
give them the right to do
what they are to continually do.


Think equal as birth is as new.
Think, not question little, as you normally do.
Think favourite and then in crime you do…
to all those of other types you despise
and criminalise.

God bless America
the hope and land of the free
God bless America
I want them to remain idle and gun hugging
as long as they do not interfere with the rest, like me.

April 18th, 2016