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When two hearts meet…what next

My heart your heart where do they meet?
Is it a possibility?
Or are you too afraid
of what will occur on such a day
when hearts combined reveal the truth
of who we are and can embrace?

The story of one who is aware fears a truth hidden,
but knows some way, deeply buried,
the treasure there within contains
the wisdom long past that of one’s own
very short inexperienced and valued life.

But what of that deeper knowing treasured within?
Who has the clarity, judgement and knowledge
to pass by that fearful stage, unpack any horrible violent sight
and conquer the fearful past and enter into that eternal light?

I know I have seen it in dream-like states of meditation
or prayerful reflective phase,
but this that I am to enter is a whole new life –
a world away not known prior
and what it says for me to embrace, –

I am uncertain, for fear of another type will surely mean
taking out of the gold the precious gem held tightly within
and this can only bring another voice of which a sacrifice,
a worldly stage, to take and hold and clearly view
to orchestrate how and what with this so precious cargo I am to do.

September 15th, 2015