The Clever Observer

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They did little to save the land

They did little to save the land
from the devastation
and desperate state of affairs.

They came and went and tried,
but no chance it had all gone well before.
And now the evidence ever so clear
man was doomed to end his life
without any form of wealth,
let alone fresh clean air.

God help them in the plundering ways
the devil has in mind,
but oh such a waste dear God
of what you so beautifully had placed
for man to endure the harshest of ways
followed always by the beauty the eye entailed.

But now by God
the devil plans to usurp us of it all.
The greedy few, the one percent
lost everything they saw
as was the way of those devilish players
into which the world only carries the burden
of what is now no more.

To take the advantage of saving
some form of space to reflect
can in fact carry weight
beyond what is thought by man.

For in this world of hardship to come
that source may be forever all man has in store.

December 31st, 2013