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Only You

There is a time and place for everything and in that is a way of being, a way of behaving and a place to rest knowing that what I have achieved is not all perfectly clear, but I am who I am and in that I can be pleased to know myself and be proud.

Who am I to complain when another more powerful me exists, supports and provides so that I can be on Earth and survive?

Who am I to suffer humiliation and shame when I am no more than a miniscule speck on an ocean of other more valid material bursts of fame?

Who am I when the life I have had is over and another replaces my space, place and appreciable view?

Who am I to endeavour to pass by this way without valuing that ride with sincere appreciation  for having the courage to pursue that path regardless. I did so anyway to venture to know, understand and grow wiser for choosing to go and become more aware.

‘I am’, that is what it began to say in my head over and over and over again.

I am, you are, we two begin to form a union into which life of another entirely new view is possible to perceive, undertake and believe possible.

I am to you the valuable presence of a world where love of one self is possibly the greatest achievement one can hope to find.

I am the value of two ways of being or one way of achieving with far less pain and probably more to gain in life.

I am the valuable lesson to which life is all about when you undertake to learn that no other is as important as you are to yourself.

Nothing is ever possible unless it is first believed and then a mountain top is a mere step to be conquered without fear of failure, but the joy to be experiencing the effort to try.

Who am I?
I am your self and in that we are two thoughts, views, perceptions, opportunities and values to join in one harmonious ability to do for our self that which is more powerful – caring to be whole – in one outlook, opportunity and experience.

I am the light and the way and the truth and in me there is hope.

Hope to be part of something worthwhile and worthy to exist.

Hope to undertake change, to review what has been achieved, to understand and provide new ways for the future.

Who I am is not something to be taken lightly, but reverenced daily.

Who I am is the way forward if I can only view myself as a machine of immeasurable ability to survive and to continue pursing that life until the day I die.

Who am I now that I am older, wiser and considerably more experienced? – Myself, that of a person who has undergone change, developed and considered my worth and chosen to exist regardless of my past history.

No matter who I am or who I have become, choice is the most I have available where change in attitude and outlook is possible.

Nothing is ever possible unless a person believes in them self and then anything is possible and worth achieving because all that is can never be the same again.

Whatever can I do or say that will make you believe in yourself as worthy, worthwhile and invaluable?

You cannot, until I decide and then nothing can  prevent the possible from happening?

How can I be a mountain when the view I have is lost beneath the clouds, down in the valley?

Easily, believe you are able to achieve wondrous, skilful outcomes by seeing yourself in the mirror of opportunity one step, one most valiant step at a time.

Eventually, you will endeavour to be appreciative of every step as a momentous journey, a spectacular event. – And then the mountain is no more than a hill upon which you climb each step each day.

How can I be a hero in a land of many such heroic folk when I am no more than an individual player on a world scene?

Easily, if you work toward your own views of fame from the inside out where a hero, a survivor in life already exists, waits and appeals to your goodness to free the chains that bind you to loss, failure and thoughts of devalue and despair.

August 19th, 2010