The Clever Observer

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Paving the way forward

Paving the way forward
humility at home …

Who has the answer?

We do – the populace,
the people everywhere
around the sustaining globe.

We are the outcome – history’s resolve,
but proof of the change from hate
needs another upwardly mobile trend.

No more dissatisfaction,
no more reduction in our human worth
the life one is given newly
at our own unique birth.

Take a far wider view and then look
within your own home situation …

What of it is on a larger scale
outside your home?
Are there any similarities
when you measure side to side?
Are there any differences?
Are they positive steps or broader strides?

What is your home –
A safe harmonious place to reside
or turmoil, unrest
and preference to leave and hide?

These are some of our questioning processes –

to be clear how to adjust and alter the site
that a home is to be providing
so our world is more sustaining

to allow all people safety to build
and express creatively
as that original new life had hoped,
but now globally we all are to live in fear.

Take away the safety
a home is supposed to provide
loss of uniformity comes knocking
and dysfunction begins to destroy.
– globally
– homeward first and foremost.

September 4th, 2013