The Clever Observer

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A dead man’s fate

God I can’t help it any more
that of my life source here on Earth.

The validity of my worth is always under attack …
Wars raging, climate denial, military upsurge and more.
Worst of all the air I breathe is coming under some form
of poisonous substance disease – difficult to breathe.

I know you said these things would be occurring
during my time on Earth,
but as a grandmother I am now very concerned
for my children’s children whom I have held
and their birth I witnessed over again as if my own.

The developing child cannot be left to bear our rotten stench,
the attitude I had as a nation’s populace allowed.

What evidence do I have at hand to help me and mine understand?

None, I am afraid.

You are on your own down there on that foolish land
occupying space I require for that next generation
who hopefully through your voice has had a chance
to generate a new found belief …

For if they are unwilling to change that present existing state
God help them they will die a dead man’s fate.

Go with the devil to a promised land.
Don’t check the prospectus – the devil be cared.
No way out – you are left by the wayside
of that greed-infested one percent.

August 21st, 2013