The Clever Observer

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Stand up … be counted

Tragedy, tragedy where ever does it end
the soul reaps what, when man collapses
to the sways of evil men.
What am I to say, such as these words?
Well, read between the lines and fair
where does it be-lie all the finance debacles,
losses immense, stolen in fact – that is their line of defence.

That is what I say and those too of the courageous rank,
not that I have that courage, but think as I do,
life on this planet is imminent
for some form of criminal activity’s overflow.
And where will you be as the crush rush starts?

How secure are those finances
previously you chose to deposit
among the financial elite?
My brother banker says life so sweet,
but only a few are to represent those wealthy billionaire elites.

Stand up, be counted
march up and down streets
resent no-one but do
what in your heart of hearts,
the conscience repeats…

July 16th, 2013