The Clever Observer

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Ask what for …

To be a winner
play your own mind game
change those seductive greed-orientated
media corporations’ games.
Idle mentality seduces those who fear the worst
ask what for
and whose game plan is to gain?

Sometimes when I consider my world,
the value of lives
and the considerable amount of carnage,
I feel a desperate sensation
flood over my body and brain
as if life of a completely other existence
belongs in the frame.

Love I supposed for a humanity
my soul says among my thoughts
and I answer ‘soul’ whatever that is.
How is it then possible
to speak to my mind clearly
when no other sound is heard
but for those media hounds
prevalent on every band
securing riches, bending minds
and seducing us to believe.

And I ask again,what for… this life of ours
but to be a pawn, an idiotic foolish man
to allow love to become abandoned
for hateful gains.

July 15th, 2013