is wrecking the Western world.
But more importantly wrecking our souls,
the gentleness required to value humankind.
Reckless individualism
is not a state or mind.
But more a state of advertising –
to become one of a virtual mindless crew.
To become subservient
to that of a one percent,
mentally depraved group.
To work their viscous mentality
to corrupt that of your once
permanent valuable self and virtue.
God bless America
it has earned its rightful place
among the viscous of humanity
well before it destroys
the likes of me and too you.
for it is required to know
how very vital individualism is
in the world of caring and kindness,
fair play and distribution
where wealth of a few rule upon you.
God bless humanity
the vile way we have become.
Corrupted by the media,
owned but just one.
That of the political persuasiveness
that interrupts the view,
that life on the Capitol is about you.
You are the slave-driven,
the corrupted individual
who has no name but dots.
Dotted every which way
in terms of them having their lot.
You are to have a choice.
A decision-making task
to do for yourself
the value you were born to adhere to.
You are the very fragrant of humanity’s call
when you are to wake up
and own the value-added advantage
of having your own unique understanding
of the situation and in how inside that rates
according to value, that in turn means you.
God bless America
the land of the free.
Free to do whatever it wants
to both you and to me.
Free to rule over and then congratulate,
well done for what in our name
has been blasphemous
to the point of a gun.
Where rich rule corruptly
and fight disparagingly
where ever they decide,
wealth for the few –
is what in the end
is in fact what they actually,
repeatedly do.
God bless America
the land of the free.
Free to walk and talk
the language of freedom
and do the opposite
in the name of Democracy.
God bless the human race
for stepping up and picking
the best of what is free.
That is, the West, in taking for greed.
Take a single shot
and fire it off to see where it lands.
Well, that was terrific,
but on another person’s land.
Take a single barrel rifle
and fire it into the air.
See where it lands
if you are to look directly up
and it falls where you are to stand.
Take a machine gun
fire it at will to a wall and see
the pockmarks, various holes,
shattered the rest to fall.
But take arms against another nation
and directly fire at will.
What do you really expect?
That they will be glad
and then totally decide to comply
to that of your own will?
Shatter proof you may think
being an exceptional crew,
but in reality you are human,
physically too.
Shatter proof and wise
is not the way to be.
For in the Westernised concept
you are naught
as they on foreign lands think.
God bless America,
the human exceptional, individual crew.
Those who are to pretend
conquering the only way to get others
to comply and be true
to the red, white and blue.
God bless humanity for the few,
who bravely step outside
the propaganda crew.
God bless human beings for their courage
and determination to stand true.
God bless humanity
for sharing the real time news.
God bless humanity
for those to whom stand tall
to show we rest weaklings
the real time news.
God bless humanity
for those to whom have had to leave,
terrorised and threatened
with the death of family or themselves
for what in rightness
they have chosen to come on out
and speak of and write prolifically.
God bless those of many nations
coming in to view what in America is shameful
and not what they in turn want for themselves
to be despised for.
But conquer religiously
in terms of denying Democracy
as the only way to succeed peacefully.
God bless humanity for those nations
coming in and declaring human rights for all.
While those of big guns fail to comply
and come to the aid of what now they have caused
and expect others, humanitarian aid, to fix
Rectify to a point of salvaging
the remaining inhabitants of destroyed cities,
countrywide too.
God bless the humanitarian organisations
that have not been infiltrated
by the subservient type crews.
God bless humanitarian organisations
who are threatened daily.
Not by the people themselves,
but the outside infiltrators
from various organisations
trying to cause havoc.
To name a few
would cause a break down
on my cable connection.
I am sure you are aware of what ones
as they require no introduction
for they are in every form of seduction,
sedition by that war monger crew.
God bless America
the land of the free spirit
to do whatever it wants
in the name of Democracy.
Well, wake up folks
there are other types of organisations out there
wanting to break into your news
and make you very aware
of what in your name they are doing
to them and theirs.
God bless the world of wonder
destroyed by a few
anxiously waiting
when next to invade
and destroy you.
God bless the world is at war.
Every nation indisposed
to try and build regardless
of what in your nice new homes
you have contributed to.
God bless you.
Whatever you have done.
But more, far more importantly
what you are afraid to do,
that needs to be done.
Done in the minuscule of your every day.
To look out your window and see
what is real and not fake
or fades on the screen
you watch endlessly.
To look, observant
of what is really happening
in your street and your name.
To look and be observant
of what is possible to work toward
and not in the end live with the shame.
To be far more observant
and own the real news,
that life on the world scene
is being caused in part
because we, the apparent ineffectual, do nothing.
Not even correcting our behaviour
of destroying the planet and the people
we are to live with here on earth
joyously, peacefully, purposefully,
considerately and caring.
God bless the world force
of trying to right the wrong.
Well, I say this to you and myself all along,
what if we began by being far more tolerant
to the neighbour we consider not one of our own.
To work toward humanity as a humanitarian
and not be complacent, but conscious
we in turn could be one of them in the end
the way the present world order is being run.
That’s it folks!
You are damned
whether you care or not.
So perhaps it is time to look at yourself
not as one of the few,
but an individual with a choice
to make right what we have done
in our supposedly exceptional individualism
recklessly – day or into the night.
Reckless individualism
is no more than damn right madness
when you are but a speck on the landscape
of the Lord Almighty force of the few.
April 14th, 2017
Tags: Awake