The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries from March 9th, 2017

Who are you…

Christ came.
Christ went.
But why crucify
love’s goodness intent?

Why suffer fools idle play?
Why convert love as hate
and make little inroads
as to why in your heart
you died a deathly lament?

Who are you …
as crucified, lost, abandoned
no help in sight?

What possesses man to stray
make a marriage and children
leave and not come back?

And in this climate of turbulence
why birth anything,
least of which
is that of suffering, pain,
insidiousness and regret?


March 9th, 2017

Another way

Try not to walk the life of a saviour
there is no such thing.

For a saviour imperfect
is what in man God expects.
For learning,
as with a life on earth,
where a good soul portrays
man walks and talks
the miracle of worth
in each step he/she takes –

and in that a saviour is born
into a consciousness
for all to observe
as for them too
another way – to be portrayed.

March 8th, 2017

The weather bleak – the opportunity awaits

Sorry I have been out of sorts
trying to maintain the evidence
of my sincerest of reports.

The weather bleak
from where I have been
watching and waiting
for some form of evidence
to report

but what I found deep within
was a message about
how we all appear to behave
when faced by the ugliest,
gravest situation
forced to now admit
that we as others have not been
honest and forthright about what we did
and have done to those less fortunate
and in them have burdened all
by our horrendousness.



March 2nd, 2017