Lots of things for you to do.
Lots of things … but what are they
when you are dead and not awakened
to those beauteous creatures
and stands to behold?
Nothing much comes out of love
when the love of life is left out.
Nothing comes of beauty
when the world is ugly,
spiteful, hateful and dull.
Nothing much at all exists
when in love we think bliss.
For that is not to last eternity
but love of self inside
where soul,
the art of joy knows quite well
that the love of divinity
is what makes us whole … eventually.
beauty everywhere to be seen.
Green as grass, tall as trees
nature expresses
what man in disease
ignores at perilous tones –
not known but shown.
Ugliness and hatefulness
show everywhere on every land.
No where green as gold and joy.
No where safe to be explored.
No where anywhere at all
for each to know what love of self
and others too does mean.
Love to you and all around
for that is what the Christmas
and life message is all about.
Joy to know love is in all
when hateful sounds
and warring crowds
gather us in and all about.
For then in the aftermath
we can only wonder
what that hell was for
and loss all about.
December 31st, 2016
Tags: Love