and no one is actually brought to own
let alone bear.
But that is a Western democracy fan fare.
How have we become cattle
roaming and feeding on grazing lands
owned prior by no one but for nomads
who preserved and cared?
Now in a Texas landslide we prefer oil
and leave those precious lands bare.
God do help, where ever You are
the men of small headed thought
that think gun-hugging preserves them
the right to believe religiously
that they are to care.
Gun-hugging, war-like barons of lands
share markets and traders stocks barren
but they go on regardless
to suck the rest homeless
but consider
piles of liquid assets offshore fair.
Lift your game.
Or be slaughtered
as the house of cards
topples to expose
your dirty vile heart
and underwear.
October 18th, 2016
Tags: Loss