Soul-self on the line.
Madness prevails
and life now precarious.
What is it you desire,
as earth life begins to cave?
I am worried that my life was incomplete.
I failed to live up to my birth promise.
To value life and those on earth
even to preserve.
And did wantonly waste, not share.
Or have time to contemplate
or to keep the peace.
Help stave off the internal battle raging
in a conscience, consciously wavering
knowing but not achieving goodly behaviour
toward another less than my arrogant self.
Take heed – time is of the essence.
Prayer a good investment.
Meditation, contemplation all good too.
But life now a preciousness you have
so this is far more important to follow
in the hope your conscience is clear –
for when you pass
and we have to own who we were
and did fail to honour, love and care.
to allow for the recognition to own and no longer justify,
blame or consider another the cause of your own demise.
Accept all your indignation as a learning –
and appreciate who you are
and that at least now you acknowledge, given time
you may have adjusted your own troubled behaviour
and attitude.
And found a sound basis to reflect
on your life, here or there
giving the time to correct
any type of hate and to understand
how life began to lose a sense of meaning –
purpose to value, gifted as you are,
to be more goodly creative
and express the worth of your life calling –
virtuous as a Christian,
the type of saviour you proclaim
as the one you worship to.
Don’t wait to the end time
no one is exactly certain when.
October 11th, 2016
Tags: Action