The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries from September 9th, 2016

What are we doing

Can you believe what is happening
to you in our world,
one human existence
upon a common ground?

There are voices, nuclear entrenched,
not forsaking the power
but of a misguided intent.

The world we inhabit
is in a perilous place.
World existence under duress
lacking not space
but of an ability to supply
the mouths of us all
to live in clean environments
and the required food
and water to survive all.


September 9th, 2016

Something tells me …

Something tells me
our life on earth is on the line.
Hanging peg-like precariously
most of the time.

Winds blow,
shimmer and shake.
People idly sleeping
not fully awake.

Awaken to the worldly state
of who is at war
when we sleep and too, awake.

Who is suffering
because those of power
consider less
those who have not?

Why, in a world of opulence
is there so much hurt and harm,
even in places one has prior
not even known.

God of goodness, whoever you are
change man’s conscience
to become fair.
Fair to deliver
a more vitally important stand
to include all in a far more equally
diverse plan.

Not equate politically
with those corporate
illegality performing, prancing few.
Consider the life
as a God-given gift, as you.

September 8th, 2016

Watch your back

Way too far to travel
to gain my inner worth,
the value of my human existence
while experiencing life on earth.

People travel distances
by means unknown
histories prior to the now.

People are to genius
a weirdly played out lot.
Half appear creatively exceptional
while others are subverted
into warring games.
Figures of death not yet available
apparently not important
as for being a superior, warring game lot.

So much harm destructively
bordering on genocide.
Similar in intent
as with unwanted insects
and animals
previously tolerated
or even venerated
as a God-like gift or prize,
while on earth to bless,
even sanctify.


September 8th, 2016