our life on earth is on the line.
Hanging peg-like precariously
most of the time.
Winds blow,
shimmer and shake.
People idly sleeping
not fully awake.
Awaken to the worldly state
of who is at war
when we sleep and too, awake.
Who is suffering
because those of power
consider less
those who have not?
Why, in a world of opulence
is there so much hurt and harm,
even in places one has prior
not even known.
God of goodness, whoever you are
change man’s conscience
to become fair.
Fair to deliver
a more vitally important stand
to include all in a far more equally
diverse plan.
Not equate politically
with those corporate
illegality performing, prancing few.
Consider the life
as a God-given gift, as you.
September 8th, 2016
Tags: Awake