The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries from August 6th, 2016

There are a few

There are a few out there who claim
to be Christian and care.
While others do care and not claim
religion as rightfully theirs.
While those who profess and confess none
appear to own their vile unrest
persecuting all the rest.

None but us in the West
have to answer to a higher form
known as conscience
which no longer, in our case is the norm.

While others terrorise us from inside
they are actually making a statement
about how you have, in their land
terrorised for years and years.

Bombing indiscriminately, caring little
but calling it all ‘Democracy’.

August 6th, 2016

Black lives matter

Black lives matter
or white lives are irrelevant.
Without open debate
between difference,
a growth toward humanity
does not exist or can survive,
in a future of immense need,
to communicate and relate
to all peoples of different culture,
ideas, understanding and values
of worthwhile peaceful ideals.

August 4th, 2016

Open your heart

Open your heart
to goodness.
Spare yourself from pain.

Open your heart
to favour a humanity
one so solidly falling into parts.

For in this present terrain
violence is a normality,
heart broken society
and man, as woman
have failed to identify
with what in essence is their play.

To afford a guiding influence
for the coming of their future
and that of any offspring
they may begin to relish
as a given, a gift to protect,
nurture and value,
to the end of their days.

August 1st, 2016