does anyone down there pay attention
to those thoughts coming in to a mind
normally on half power
as if an electricity break down
or storm interfere?
Catastrophe calling
does anyone actually understand
there is a quite incredible dilemma
man has yet to equate
with the end in time on earth
if no modicum of effort
to stall the final plan
to destroy humanity
with one bang and band.
Life is of an extra, extraordinary nature
not much else to say
but man has lost his intention
to live on earth in a most harmonious
and thankful way.
I have one kind in mind
that of the saviour mentality
that makes people quite obvious
when listened to
and to understand this kind
make the world a far more interesting place
and life then can be understood
to preserve all of the natural world
and life to then expand.
Who am I calling,
has that even equated within your mind,
small as its capacity but none the less understood
that you above all else are gifted
to receive information from those long dead?
So when I begin to tell a story
I finish before I begin
with that historical evidence
that you are on a fine life line
and therefore
catastrophe is where I find I need to start with
and powerfully express
that you are all under enormously difficult terrains
with a warring and diseased mentality
that prefers danger instead
of what I now can explain to you
is coming in full throttle
and is to doom the universes
for untold years ahead.
God do bless America,
or what they sprout out religiously
as if in time to do what is that comes
into an idle head
without the necessary privilege
of considering the damage
and the people they lay dead.
God bless humanity,
well that is an entirely different spread.
For here in that equation
is a multitudinous of ideas
to be heard of and read.
A multiplication table
that leads to finer explanation
as to what on earth is happening
and understood.
A mighty fire of information
is burning through the atmosphere
and if we are not able to awaken you all
then that fire will end
with a volcanic eruption, man made by you.
Thanks for the warning,
but useless as it appears
man is in the slumber of wealth
and too the greed fed atmosphere of years.
And so in my own estimation
God has tried almost all He has available
and not so confident of the results.
So my explanation is tiny, but it has made an inroad
to understand how in His estimate it is to go
and if all does fail from lack
then man and woman will have to be re-invented
to love and not divorce themselves
from that vital information – ‘man made has to go’.
So love and good intention can begin to flow
from those most spirited and gifted to listen
to what in earnest I have to say.
Love the life you are to have on earth, precious as it is.
And value all of humanity even though they are not like you.
Instead build upon good relations
to understand the difficulties ahead
and bring to the table of understanding
that each are gifted as you in their own heads.
Love is not a vital source
within a man and woman
it has to be fed.
And when it is enriched
by the love of spiritual worth
then the whole universe
is as alight by candles,
stars of human worth on earth.
August 28th, 2016
Tags: Awake