and we awaken slowly
as scare tactics work their trick.
No one awakens out of slumber
for the truth is there
to disturb and control us
into nothingness
and back to sleep again.
You thought the life was good
and earth complete.
You thought that everything was lovely
and the view interpreted through sleep.
But the view, the world, the undergrowth
is spreading out to sea with vile disruptions
and it is not an earthquake rumble
but a bloody great disaster affecting you and me.
You thought about your safety
as the drones above bleep
and drop there discharge of mutation ‘here we are’.
and it is drying very fast.
Desert like deserted
and we the few remain.
Well, that will be the weather pattern
if we cannot again rely on rain.
You thought that everywhere
the weather clear
and the falls the same.
Well, look at the news broadcast
it is either floods, mud and catastrophe
or never again rain.
Love your neighbour.
Well, that is how it will become.
Or else shoot them to gain
what they have become.
No more niceties.
No more fun.
This that is ahead is begun.
Trouble with the weather
it is a patterned type of event
and now in this generation,
although started up again,
is this type of mentality of control
and seek out the gold.
When in this type of erosion
the mind takes control.
Taking up the weather
as an instant type of disaster
we can see on the news,
but it is the undergrowth,
growing disease like in its portrayal
of disaster on us all.
People are unaware
for this is a complete
secretive affair.
People bleating one thing
and another quite clearly
deceiving and portraying
another type of affair.
Disaster on every continent
known or deceitfully planned.
I am not an optimist any more.
You are called to act and be as one,
united in our attempt to remain
somewhere in the middle
trying to work out
the best survival long term plan.
Staying together
is the only survival tool
to get us further afield
in the ‘life is for living plan’.
Act like a Badger and go underground
will work for a small while
but eventually air and forage
is what will be required to survive.
Staying inwardly and protecting your soul
that will help for a short while,
but the spirit is an actively engaging soul.
The weather is the ideal at present
you may consider good,
but have you actually heard –
the weather stinks
and so do the government agencies
working viscously to maintain that one percent.
Yes, greed and corruption
a daily banding cry
but who with any type of conviction
commits them, the few to trial?
The weather is gloriously sunny today,
but tomorrow may be bleak
and last an eternity
if nuclear is in the sky.
Can you keep a secret?
I don’t suppose you can
now that the Snowden and Wiki leaks
are bleating out the truth
courageous as they can?
But of you, the loner
how do you survive
when in truth
you are aware and deny?
August 25th, 2016
Tags: Awake