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Madness coming in

Centre on me not
for I am cold
the weather
tremendously rugged
and no place I feel safe,
or so now I am told.

Who has the answer
for where I am to be
during this turbulence
twenty-first century?

Madness coming in
and flooding the possibility
of what in essence
is the divine creativity
and human compassion
for everything
God did invest in me?

Some have said that God is not real
and if so quite distinctly mad
making man a treacherous being;
for in this world God created
nothing of that richness
and magical happenings
is further to be seen.


What type of world
where the madness in human beings
comes in and destroys
the best of humanity needs?

What type of individual
allows such to be coming in
and taking creativity
that which is within
to survey, consider and then decide
what type he or she is to become?

Who or what it matters no more
for the world tumultuous is to be going
as it was before?
So much of the wonders we could each explore
now in ruination on every land mass and sea shore.

I survey my heart of hearts,
that inner world of conscience
and discover
I am part of this other, this world within –
that allows for the beauty of men to know;
that each in their violence has another part
simply put,
“Peace on earth and goodwill toward men”.

August 18th, 2016