The Clever Observer

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I saw you standing on the shore

I saw you standing on the shore
I know not what you want or I can further explore.
I saw and said to myself deep within
this can only mean some sort of heroic deed
I am definitely not equipped to begin.

So sorry I did not listen before.
So sorry I did not understand that call
from that vast shore line.

I said within that I had other things to do and try before …
before I made such a commitment to love and adore.
I said within I had time to live and live I did
with shame and guilt, love and joy
as too the family I did develop
and now older are on their own alive and well.

And here you come once again.
Years are gone long before
that time you came
on that vast shore.

I know I had a task to answer for.
I know I was being asked to comply
to look back over my futility of shame and blame
and heal once more
to future explore without the garbage, baggage and more.

But I had a sense this was more.

May 3rd, 2016