The Clever Observer

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Who am I amidst this shame?

Who am I amidst this shameful deed
of killing and maiming
with utter belligerence and speed?

Who am I that shifts this blameful
shameful disgusting deceitful deed?
Who acts on my behalf politically
and shamefully agrees
it is another not them
that causes harm to those without?

Who is it that sits and shouts,
cries out?
Not those with a voice of care
about the violence done everywhere,
but political expedients
to gain what?
Surely not to line those corporate crooks?

Life goes on and we prefer to deny.
Why I ask myself? Why?
Is there some form in the West –
a type of belligerence
that prefers to deny
as a way to arrest – all that shameful mess
carrying on around the globe?
Denying what in everyone’s mind
is a Westernised drone mentality.
A type of deceitful game play.

I know I have my fair share of guilt,
shameful acts, deceit at best.
But who am I
pretending in the end
when my conscience comes in
and reminds me of that past awfulness?

I have to admit and own my deeds.
Try and correct my behaviour
for the future to succeed.
But who am I
when I fail to comply?
No more than a drone subjected
and allowing others to infiltrate,
excuse and deny.

May 1st, 2016