The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries from April 8th, 2016

The valley of death

Take me away from the excesses of war
that starve my human potential.

Give to me a world away from the violence
portrayed on every nation.
Give to me the valley of gold
that enriches the beauty
I have and hold within.

Love that life.
Gift that joy
with more of the peace-filled harmony
that guides and protects.

And no longer subject me to the hate
of those who perpetrate such crimes.
Criminals of every kind.

No humour in my life but pain
to see such vile portrayal
of disgusting behaviour

April 8th, 2016

Treating the world differently

Who are you out there in the West.
Wild West it appears
with all this hum drum and financially rooted affair.
Wild West is an outwardly focussed dream.

Conquer the natives prepare the ground
decide what to work at and finalise the plan.
Leave the country rooted in despair.
Look for another form of vigilante brigade
and off to war we go.

So settled in the war mongering
we have no alternative but agree.
For we are futile members of a whole humanity.

April 6th, 2016

A once quiet scene

Trust came along and belted me in the ear.
I heard the sound, the crack upon my mind.
Whatever had I been doing out there –
globally, violently, abusively –

Man, what a monster
when life and death appear so unfair.
Crime – no, a disaster
upon a once quiet scene,
a life enhancing, grace-filled space
destruction now – now no place free or safe.

April 5th, 2016

No one cares to notice

Not now my darling
the sky is falling fast.
Mountain tops eroding
the mining trade a-blast.

No one cares to notice
crime an everyday occurrence.
Play time for children – parking
inside some mind altering gadget
or machine.

No time for caring, sharing
or empathy at all.
The soldiers bathe in glory
no matter the quandary
child or man, woman or babe.

Matters not the kill, the damage
all part of that elite military thrill.
I suspect an atom will fall upon us soon.

Nuclear damage – well evidence of health
already a witness, but third world
so no need to hurry, plenty of spending yet
still for twenty-first century idleness
and greedy mentalities.
No place yet, but oh too soon.

April 5th, 2016

No tomorrow only today

I suddenly understood the meaning of my life
when in a church, for me too old to recall.
The age of which escapes me not,
but of the history rebirth resounding came rushing in…

That the two of me had briefly joined –
her death in me now to be reborn
a century or two must explain the difference
of language difficulty at first,
but not of a mutually agreeable voice.

This was in fact a newish experience of mine,
but to her a lifetime since I myself had been born.

She questioned me not at first
said she knew my whole life through
and I to her was a newish life to clearly see
what on Earth was able to be done
to alter man in his brain so very lost, forlorn,
hurting from long time past as if earlier times.

Corrupted views and of greed and hurtful events
much as is now in this the twenty-first century
rounding of the past histories events.

No time past as ill at ease – man in trouble
angels no – man is in the hands of devils,
demons sent to stir man’s head
and now in consciousness we few are to re-invent.

No tomorrow only today
wake up you moron
value and worth is the only way
to save your life and Earth.

Not much hope,
but try as you may
this, in this particular article to come
is the only hopeful way.

Save your soul,
that conscience – hidden far away.

April 2nd, 2016