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America’s call to fight

God said, exceptional.
No doubt about that.
But he meant everyone.
Or am I on the wrong track?

Some say exceptional
but Putin unlikable, said No …
that is an extremist notion
and fight is all they are to know.

God bless America
the land of many dreamers.
Some say asleep,
bedlike in their way
behaviour singled out
as some declare –
think right when no idea.

God pretends to be an ally
but of which side?
I have no idea
because if we are all built from Adam and Eve
well who are they and how do we know –
which is the victim, slave to the one percent?

Of those suffering because what is declared
Either Wall’s ugly street
Or of the War Mongers
pretending safety is what we need and accept.

God bless America for the finest of newsreels.
Many times over until we buy into that rubbish
Fed and spread wide all over land and sea.

Dump your garbage lift your game
God is on the war path
and no longer playing your war games.
Lift you head and own who inside
spreads the good news
not propaganda to slumber you
into another of the Wall’s few.


Lift up your baggage
own it as your own.
Shift your behaviour
and don’t pretend no war drones.
Give over to blasphemy
as if some form of doubt
about your fellow human beings.
They all need to be aware
and wake out of slumber
to own what is being done
in the name of liberty
you proclaim to love and uphold.

There is a leverage
don’t proclaim to fight,
lift out of negativity
and borrow from no one
but your own thoughts.
And too, no longer doubt
what is being done in your name
without permission
but done all of the time all the same.

Some say declare war against our own
but who are they, if we are unaware
and sign over our liberty
and simply stay
as a wandering ‘collateral drone’.

God bless America
come on in and declare
no more war games and perpetual fear.
God bless America
the home of the gun.
But who wants to be fighting
peace is far more fun.


April 26th, 2016