The Clever Observer

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There’s no more meaning …

There’s no more meaning God
I am trapped down here
in the flotsam and jetsam of reality.

God’s persistent call, my mind predicts.
Or else …
where does this mind come from in the West?
Creature comforts, devastation elsewhere
while we creatures gather and make a noise
as if hot blasted, but cold,
freezing nothingness into the air.

What type of syndrome?
What type of despair?
When we in the West cry poverty and declare
it’s coming in and we want no more of it –
refugees from who knows where?


The gods have spoken, my mind declares
that no more vile and uncompromising,
filthy devilish wars.
Conquering and devastating others from elsewhere
is not the tome of who out there declares …
love of life, sanctity of marriage
divorce on children far too harsh

These are the questions unanswered
but off to another vile, uninvited,
destructive force as war.

Guns are beloved and life cut short
but this is America, the Wild West sort of sport.
What next, nuclear declared?
Well, at least they too will have to ingest
and breathe out that vile man made
disgusting, infiltrating deathly air.

God bless America.
But who is their God?
Definitely not peaceful
as the Jesus they preach is all about.
But then hypocrisy is all the rage.
Devastation on others, the idle game play.
But who are they that sprout such rot?
Surely not the one percent on Wall Street’s bad lot.

Money changes
but to whom, where and why?
If not to increase the pile upon pile for the greedy
the name, but of a vile intent
to destroy and maim as best as one can
for the pile of money offshore and bent.

April 12th, 2016