The Clever Observer

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Night of the generals

Night of the generals.
Night of the dead.

Who but of those victims
do we each hear of their story
valued in the end.

No such fortune.
No such prize.
God declares an army
religion’s wise

But not so for everyone involved,
the battle for those spoils
is what in the end, for those who attended?
– No, not for them.

This is of a more
individualised select few
more about what and for whom.

Countries divided
wealth at the core
deep throat involved
but who among them
keeps any scores.

This is a game of the adventurous crew
to ensure wealth is continued
and death is a ‘who cares’,
just of you complaining.

‘Collateral’ is really what we call
those at the factory
of death’s worldly crew.

August 25th, 2015