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The empire burns

No one told me,
no one cared,
no one understood completely
what we had done.

No one said
what it was when it occurred
and no one breathed
because the dust was putrid and foul
like some form of diseased view.

I saw the warning signs
but did not breathe a word.
I told no one for fear of reprisal
for that is what they spread continually –
disaster is what I thought and read and knew.

But who are they on capital hill
that spread those lies of fear
and thought a captive audience
full of frightening notions is the way
to be containing the populace,
their own country folk?


No such luck
to know in advance
for they kept secret any thought or word.

No such luck
about who we were to other people
and in how we can contemplate
congressionally a new way forward.

No such luck that honesty prevailed
for in this country it is somehow
not even known or used.

Conflict of interest – well that is a laugh.
Who around dares to mention something bad?
We are the courageous country of the free
but who or what is free I am yet to find out.

No form of speaking
about what is wrong.

No way of knowing
who or what we are doing everywhere
where people tell that we are so bad,
frighteningly so and why? –

Well nobody owns up or does not know.

God bless America she is finally weak
for the pennies are drying up and inflated prices
and life lines for bread
these are the ways of a country in crisis
if they at the hill deny the obvious
I do not as I am in one as well.

God bless the media
for they have kept us in the dark
and wondered why
we do not ask the right questions –
well they have all the last laughs.

God bless her heroes
on the television nightly news,
the day time wreck-less crews,
the super known stars
and radio talk back series,
the real life programs and such –
what a debacle that our mind has sunk right back.

I know that answer but who around cares.
I know how to put this world back
to where it needs to begin,
but I do not rank
in that group of higher super stars.

I have a theory, but it is useless now –
we are all brain washed by the super powers.
I thought America the ideal home
and yet here I am once wealthy
in the middle class line
now lining up in the bread long lane. –
How lame?

Once a hero the American flag’s domain
now in the front window homes for sale,
repossession and desolate affairs
about who is lost in the undergrowth
the few who come illegally by the border trails.

No amount of window dressing
and lights glaring across the city scapes
is going to save us from the financial breaks
propped up by congress and her mates.

God bless America I know she has a chance,
but who am I, no more than an angel
coming to the rescue in advance.
And we know what happens
to those type of saviour tell us types.

God bless her for her innocent mentality
and showman-ship for this is just that – a ship.
And we all are aware
that when the rough gets past a point
that ship meets the rocks
and down in some hollowed out cave
covered by the waters of a corruption of sorts.

Take a ship to the highest seas
don’t warn the crew
and eventually you see
that the ship is about to titanic itself
in the Arctic cold
where in the moment by moment of time
you know you are about to die.

No such luck the cold gets you
in the end – Why?
Because as an American nation
we never ever did to others bend.

To have a chance of survival
collaboration is a point to consider
well before hero status
continues not to bend.

August 3rd, 2015