Continental wonderment way beyond surprise
But underneath the flags and parades
blue skies and delightful ways
there in the undergrowth green
beyond any other scene
is a lurking madness they call obscene.
People in their hovel type homes,
no water, no electricity
but the world of surprise is not unknown.
People loving, kindly caring,
but beneath that rumbles bear the scars of old.
People care but in this world terrible suffering
apart from visiting wealth
across many other continents who care less.
Did they in their wonderment at all this wealth
wonder where or why they had accumulated
such impossible amounts else where.
Travel out of the question for them
boats in harbours not the likes they will ever
in their own life see ever again.
have various types of money lending
but not of course to them
they are the poorest of the poor wondering
who or what will come of help
to their horrendously poor shores.
I sought to know a little about the world,
ever so little because in essence it scared me so.
So much poverty and so much obscene wealth for a few.
What type of life in the west do we suppose
we are showing to them with naught
but a drop of water to wash and shave, cook and clean
as we do with those we pretend are not our in-house slaves?
I thought to travel would open my eyes
not that I had previously not searched and read,
but this thought to travel
would assist my knowing first type in hand.
But what it eventually did to my surprise
was awaken me to a God affixed inside my mind.
You have to be prepared one day to understand
that this is not a God of any sort once displayed,
but somehow something richly placed
with our, each human being on the planet,
the human species race.
God is an element of something profound.
Conscience is what some say, a God-like creature,
others pretend to know, but this I felt
was a personalised instrument within my mind, the brain.
Continental traveller what did you find?
Continental survivor what have you to say
about your other human folk elsewhere placed?
I know that we in the West do not like charitable suggestion
that we part with what we believe is ours to have and take.
But there in the poorest of poor worlds we are responsible,
for from them here our wealth was espoused.
No such luck for them to take, they neither had the money
or the wealthy to take from and or beg.
There is no substitute for travel to those parts,
but of course it is not required
read other than for the financial times or weather report.
Take you paper to the desk,
dial up on your ever newer computer program
and search out the rest.
Then with your cigar, coffee laced
I suggest you begin to take heart
for it is them in the West to be the ones
who eventually will not you the wealthiest of the rest
live a life as you do now attest.
I know the agony of having to deal with a God inside
each day coming and into the nights.
Now allowing for rest, when we see what we have
in the West – pretended to ignore
as harmlessly we believe we have done to them no harm
when in fact we are the arbiters of criminal acts
to acquire what we feel is ours and not too the rest.
Sharing adequately as is fair is not the way
for the wealthy pair, those to whom few can see globally,
but hide away in those monstrous towers with guards and minders
everywhere minding not their millions and billions and more,
but for their families and bullet proof cars.
Inside the monstrous displays of wealth
gold laden cows and all of the rest, jets flying here or where
to another property elsewhere
cavernous in their endeavours to try and gain more.
I have to say that in my day
wealth appeared pretty important
until a God appeared in the form of a conscience
for me to hear
that life on this planet is selfish and underhanded
and getting out of control militarily.
I have to say in ignorance I cared for little else
other than to survive as was the best I could
during a time of crisis that is all one can be expected to do,
but when that word of ‘revolution’ appeared before you too
what was it that aroused your mind,
what was it you thought was expected – not to come on in on line?
Yes, we are all being called to especially care,
not for the innocent
because they have already had to bear,
but of all you who are in the Westernised zone
where the level of comfort has been yours exposed.
Time to consider which of the ways you are to choose
for this is a fight for humanity of every kind and race
to arm with a sword of victory
not the gun bullet hugging warring space race.
You in your computerised zone can get on line
send out the emails, twitter and face yourself all of the time
with the outcome that the word is to work saving our planet
and the poorest of poor we ignore first hand
as we do not want them to come and invade our nice little space.
But here in the now as the planet declines
with the likes of warring mongers and Monsanto on line
who has the articles that know all the rest
please oh please do come on line – media do protest,
but you in your sanctum away from the crowds,
the militarised forces begging you to stop.
You are on your own in that space send out the warning
we are not to subject our self to any more
of this financial ruination of our climate controllers
and physical abusers, or the whole damnation
of utterly despicable criminal behaviour
that kills off so many in so many various ways
all over the planet and no stopping them
as the proof already is in the C.I.A. data already exposed.
Give yourself a moment and consider
the consequence of your action
when others come on line banners held in unison
and the parliamentary clowns
are being faced with an alternate plan.
You are the winners no sacrificial lamb
this is the personal and will affect generations
if you do not do at least one type email, face book and such
as that is all it will take for the global scene
to gather up from the dirt and dust.
You are the future you are the way, you are opportunity
to change this world away from the despair,
hopelessness we are all to face even the West
in all their greed, lust and disgrace.
We are the future we are the ones with our computers
and ways and means controlling nothing, but in control
of the media barons trying to convert to a warring machine
money lending types that they are –
not much stopping them – well we are!
March 24th, 2015
Tags: Action