Man has evolved no doubt to that
with all necessary inventions aimed at a war
fighting on financial economic grounds.
Man-made corruption greed his evil god.
God made a stand and sent angels
to be a standard bearer
to influence those thoughts.
Conscience prevailed and life a quiet spot,
but oh no only a few preferred preservation,
peace and a nice wooded landscape
free from a polluted city landscape
sidewalk and plot.
By golly I am wonderful
as I sit in my engineered apartment
designer complete
all the necessary gadgets
articles oh so definitely incomplete.
Travelling along
sports car and all hair dazzling
in my roof-less seat.
But hell I had no idea gas guzzling
is now coming to an end
maybe, supposedly left all but one year.
God help the planet as I have not a clue
let alone any inspiration
I hope you bastards below
do not intend to my life style screw.
Take your chances rich boy
tax free life does eventually mess up big time
and warring forces on every level of life is my prediction
and unfortunately your predicament.
Goodbye and good luck no God,
by God you sadly there do stay no hope,
but a barricade maybe safe,
but do not concern yourself
the military will hold back
hopefully one or two days.
Crowds do gather monstrous in size.
Revolution uprising
by God a change in sight.
Let us hope your banking crew
have a swift alternate plan.
Or is the engine on your jet
revving as here I do stand?
March 11th, 2015
Tags: Conscience