Trials and tribulation.
Trials and unending praise.
Trials of misconceived notion.
And trial upon trial of a hateful stand
and judicial stand of unacceptable behaviour,
outcome and loss.
Trials are a way of knowing
what one can attest or be as a test.
Trials deceive, conjure and loss untoward
out of a hate-filled and horror-filled circumstance.
Trials indicate and inform
whether a right or ill-placed verdict outcome.
Trials are there to be acknowledged,
understood or made to be right
where a wrongly placed behaviour caused
consequence of harm, hurt or lost opportunity.
Trials dictate outcomes
whether costly or free
do so to impress the victim as much judiciary.
Much has been established outcome unknown,
but life for a victim without any act
to substantiate and bring to acknowledge
a crime is unjust in extreme.
Loss as is a right to have a place of comfort,
satisfactorily placed food on a table and warmth on a bed.
Life leads to a perilous state
if man is unable to protect those he loves.
Food on the table, bed to sleep at night,
warmth and protection fear less in his plight
man discovers energy way beyond fair game
when under duress and loss is impending
to bring naught, but to deathly shame.
The worst of all is no love left to care,
torturous is his to bear
and nowhere safe, but within
where a love of God be his to concern
and no-one there.
Love as in a God is quite a big concern
as then there is no question life begins to find
a more consciously felt home
where God the father of a humanity on earth
cares more toward a heaven
within that man’s conscience
and to a consciously fed thought.
Where or where God do you in me reside
I am feeling sadly in the wrong place tonight?
Victim of another world
hateful, deceitful, corrupt and vile.
I have to be rewarded
to keep my strength at bay
way, way away
from the harshest of minds at play.
But God as I wonder what you are to me
I have to feel extorted
as I am that victim of your love so completely
I have no other choice but to you give my life
and trust no further to that world outside,
but to you my darling that voice
of mind and God’s inside
where a love shelters the weather of despair
from killing my potential
in earnest to now arrest my doubt and fear.
March 4th, 2015
Tags: Phase Change