The Clever Observer

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The mantle of man … are you sturdy or not?

Ghastly behaviour coming to me tonight.
What ever is the reason my thoughts are turning
to the sour end of the spectrum
instead of to that of pure bright light?


My heart is turning from right to wrong.
Is it from this suicidal behaviour
occurring in the financials
across the western front?

I have to be stable if I am to survive.
Is there a God, a voice of good
strong enough
from deep within my insides?


No hope to survive unless I stand tall –
that is in my behaviour and thoughts of old
where my behaviour impeccable was held firm.
I now need a saviour inside my head to be reborn.


Defence against a terrible enemy
is all one has to survive.
Find yours to stem an ever-growing tide.

January 11th, 2015