The Clever Observer

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I am here to relay

Hello how are you I’m hidden from view.
I am your inner self, that voice, geared toward
your best interests of heart… Heart of the matter,
pride of the inner self, the value of humanity,
the source of divine truth.

No amount of clutter can keep me at bay,
I am in your mind of consciousness
and continue to be on your case, your air-wave.

So in this particular instance I am here to relay…

God is in the heavens of our consciousness,
the air we breathe, the voice we speak
and the mind’s daily play.

No amount of chatter
can keep our God away
as that is conscience rightful play.

So much information,
so much on the air-waves,
but of your twenty-first century –
God has now been turned off
and the Devil is in your game’s play.


So much now to be facing
disgrace a minor misnomer,
but the Earth and all of her wonders lost
at man’s game of greed.

So very slow to learn from your past
history’s legends have been played out
far, far away from reality it appears.
God cries out and it is of no concern
you believe in endless-ness
and nowhere is it or can it now ever be conceived.

So much understanding, so little of it known,
greed overcame conscience and here
man no longer on Earth
can be continually maintained.

So, so sorry – far too late.
No hope to restore, God chose to close Old Peter’s Gate.
Knowledge abandonment means a final word at best…
Pick up your dirty burdens
and find a now quiet place to rest.

Restore is over, reflection all but left
now is a time to settle down as God has declared
life on this planet needs a man of phenomenal judgement
and there is only one now left. –

No hope folks – Death is death and no more,
but you in skeletal form to attest.

January 4th, 2015