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The weather vein of life

Who are you
when the weather vein of life has passed you by?
Who are you
when the world you are in dives?

What excellent life plan do you have in play?
Are there any specifics that could help as I am in dismay?
What are your standards and who is to comply?
What evidence, what voice,
what matters, do you know for me and mine?

There is a methodology about survival
for most dangerous types of behaviour and sporting events,
but this that is of a worldly dilemma does not appear
to have a nuclear program for such a leakage event.

I know that in the past there have been cover ups,
but this is a plume the size of Arizona
or Texas for that matter and how do we contain that?

Some people are sheltered, bunkered down as they say,
but that of course is a temporary myth
and not in reality the safest game play.

I sought out to find, at what point
do we get worried about such a plume.
And the answer of course is, I do not know
take all those steps and then I cannot guarantee
that any form will see you through.

So where does that leave the safety line
for any such as us small fry?
Where are the shelters
on a grandiose scale for every human being?

I felt in a horrible state of affairs
to recognise and find obvious
not even a politician when he lies
can be carefree about the present state
if a nuclear leakage or plume
is into the land or sea or worse air.

What a debacle,
what a horrible phase of life to be in
and know that the final act is not a deathly death,
but a nuclear program gone awry.

There appears a cloud,
a nuisance upon the virgin sky
and it appears as always to warn
and not to scare is that why?
No such luck this time
as the bomb is far too advanced
and any type of warning is superfluous
as it can not do for us in time
to save that world from total annihilation
and the end of mankind.

Gant to me oh God of wisdom
where ever and however you are to be
in this so violent landscape
even throughout land as with sea,
that I will have a heart strong enough to survive
the violence a destructive force as nuclear waste
landing upon mine and too me?

Give me the courage, the benefit of the doubt
that I have been a courageously honest and obedient soul.
One who has held true to the tenants of mankind’s worth
and valued each and everyone as if one united force.
One where we each have a value statement,
a worthwhile force to be and exist in a heavenly space
as here upon your valuable and agreeable space, Earth.

Grant too that the world as it appears in this present vile time
has time to undertake enough change
so as not to pollute the heavens,
those beautiful white clouds and skies blue.

Trust that I will not harm another human being.
Trust that I will appear honourable to the core
as you would prefer I do.
Trust that in a time of urgency that I will bring out my best
and supply whatever little effort required to help those not so blessed.

Give me the grace, kindness and care to see
everyone I venture to know, meet or pass on by,
to value as if myself in the most difficult of times
to do and be whatever I can as if they were to me mine.

That is all I ask of you Lord on this day of prayer
as I sit and relish those times of old when less violent
and people respected, if not worshipped the value of all mankind

What a dilemma the world. You must be in difficulty
to view through those here on Earth
who were supposed to uphold and value you
as them through and through.

What is it?
How is it that we have come so far
only to destroy with a button,
a delicate apparatus – the whole world’ skies?

Are we maniacal, are we mad as can be,
or do we have some form of conscience alive
and breathing at least within side of me?

I know I am not perfect I do not need another to attest,
for I am in the growing phases of gaining more about myself,
learning and growing about who I am and I do confess.
Each and every day there is room for improvement,
my behaviour out of control
deciding which is for the better or best as I go.
But there in the room within side of my mind I creep
into a thank you for I have had a chance to rewind.

No place like the ’morrow
without hate and hurt upon my mind.
No place like a world of peace
when potential and gain can be for every one
including the birds of song and those of the sea,
land mass and eventually all of your created humanity.

No place for weary folk as I have become
when in this world I am to face has nothing
but the beat of a continual war drum.
No heart, no heaven, no place left undaunted
by such as this behaviour globally we face.
No heavenly outlook as this our earth bound space.

God help the saviour who steps upon this globe
for he or she or whomever
is likely to want to withdraw.
As I in this present moment
should I know where or when or how.

No tomorrow worshipping what today will be no more.

Glad to be alive – I don’t think so –
fear is such an awful place to be and find myself in
as I pass that of my youthful phase and see
what a waste the young we left to undo, survive
and live a life that was for us – one enormously
waste-filled lie.

November 3rd, 2014