The Clever Observer

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No place to run

Fun forever lost now as that of a continuum,
the old warring drum.

So safely tread my dear so safely as you tread.
Perilous is the time ahead, no place, no fortune left.

God declares as to a man
you fool you lost your genius,
that of a divine and pure knowledge thread.

Caves are a way to future safety –
I am not entirely sure.
But a first point to begin
then head toward a port, river
or satisfy yourself with that movement
as droves of your fellows had to before.

Migration – I don’t think so.
This that I am to say is more about a survival
western civilization has never before endured.

That of other cultures, nations you have destroyed.
They had to uproot,
so now you can experience what it was for them.
And to you will suffer even more.

Movement rising guaranteed.
Ideal – I suggest essential
to avoid the punishment
your own kind will need now to inflict.

October 29th, 2014