surely not another war.
Worldly coming events mounting,
I do appreciate the need to address.
But surely not another war….
War does appear outrageous,
Diplomacy where are you, surely not a war.
First find a reason why so forward bent.
Is it a greed issue
or a major need for another worldly war statement –
a bravado event?
Who are you America? – A war ravaging machine?
If so I dare you take down a liberty girl
as crass and unseemly – contradiction to the core.
Who are you really, Mr Aggravated War?
Be who you are, don’t pretend
deceitful may you be, but to another country
a monger, that is what we know of you
as blind Miss Liberty is not in our nature
to be Miss or Mr Hypocrisy.
The truth for us not a constancy of lies.
Don’t hide your barrel
we can see you for miles.
Loud and trumpets blazing
an ugly sight indeed.
Courage – I don’t think so.
More a spoilt wounded child.
October 27th, 2014
Tags: The Long War