as we are to be faced by another outbreak of war…
War of a disease, uncontrollable unless –
we are to wake out of a slumber
and into a real world crisis.
War is a virulent disease
and when one is stricken
then how is one capable of surviving?
The true facts are often hidden by the real propaganda misfits
as they prefer dumb and ignorant soles such as us
to be complacent and comply.
But forever more can we all stay as silent
as this now new event,
contagion spreading faster
than a conscience will allow to occur.
Who are we –
when faced by such a prophetic type of disease.
What type? Are you so sure of your interpretation
of this on our front home shores?
as the plague rages on, spreading its vile toxins
as a stream rushing, as does blood cut free.
I am certain humanity will be allowed
to rise from the dead of heart
and give to those poor souls
sickened by that vile, virulent spread.
My heart, my head are at a loss as to why
in a twenty-first century the containment
is not an instant with the medical
and scientific advancement in diseases.
Who out there knows the causes?
Who is sure man has not beset a trial
to cause man’s worst fears to be spread?
Who as we speak can save us
if the spread is not kept away from us in the west?
Life short, disease strong and long lasting
without the strength and of the will
of man’s generous contribution to quell this gale.
The stakes are high
October 26th, 2014
Tags: Humanity