and nobody is concerned
except those with an inner helpful pride.
Nothing changes, man is a fool
thinks less before he speaks
and cares little for his fellow compatriots
across an ever widening divide.
Think that you will not be a party
to those of another colour or race,
because you feel your life better
or of some other particular race.
when they are so very far away.
But then I thought, shit it is a plane ride
and almost certainly travellers will arrive.
Thank God for the thought
or else I would have made a mistake
and taken it into my head to think travel safe.
No harm in pretending
further afield life is on a perilous line
if we do not help those on that other plane
before the damn disease spreads further
until we too will be part of that territory
where safety and health no longer remain.
Give me no remedy
as at this point in time there is an experiment
and I do not want to be the first in line.
Now if we were able I am sure those far afield
would welcome a test experiment
let them have a trial.
Pharma big as they are, can come to the rescue
but let us face it they too will not want to
use any money for the poor.
Give them a break
they are not in the helping profession,
more likely the criminal class
robbing the poor to benefit the elite few.
Can’t give away when you are meanly disposed,
well not until you too become exposed.
I said from the beginning, it is time to assist
when only four cases, now the list goes on and on
until we are not entirely sure who will or will not
be a victim of the Ebola disease.
And then they espouse it could reach far and wide
with deaths in the thousands, maybe more and more.
WHO claims this and that, but WHO where were they
when the epidemic broke out
and did not first to be there and help?
apart from those bravely courageous crew,
the MSF border less helping where ever as they do.
My heart goes out for those in the field,
but do I give a damn when collecting comes around?
Shit, I am poor and do not have enough to live.
Well, not how I would like to but that is not the point,
more like how I would feel
if one of my own got this disease –
then how would I respond?
My heart as I said is reaching in now,
down in the everglades to the bottom
to give what I can regardless as there is a need
so I do not get this,
that these others on another plane have.
Thanks for the donation and do give when you can –
this was the response from the medic border less crew.
So apologetic I went down on my knee
and thanked whoever is up there
that I found that heart again within side of me.
Love is what is happening
and I have an enormous difficulty with that,
when it comes to others who are not like us.
Love is what opened up within me
and now I have a difficulty
not benefitting from it with my own family.
So dysfunctional, so horrific I know,
but then this is a westernised country
in the twenty-first century.
Make up your mind who you are to be
for eventually the world will begin to come calling
and not necessarily with the type of greeting
you expect from an adversary.
God help the innocent
they are dead already,
but you my friend
what of you and the end time story?
October 21st, 2014
Tags: Conscience