Escaped to an island far, far away.
What is the point of that decision
surely someone explained no land mass,
island or habitation is left to survive.
Someone mention that the world is grey,
grim with disaster, toxic deluge a century hence.
No amount of clatter, no amount of pain
is about to wash man’s terror upon an Earth’s terrain.
What are you waiting for, what have you done
in expectation that a prize is somehow something
you may have individually won?
I know the present appears okay,
but wait till August or September of a year or two away.
Somehow the heavens will open up I pray
to allow the kingdom upon this earth to freshen up
and portray a much more glorious future
than the one we have destroyed for ages,
generations further up the chain.
I know how stupid my prayer is,
but I have tried another lane,
but fast was its pace.
No amount of chatter, no amount of pain
is about to wash man’s so-called sins away.
The life force of this planet, where man does exist
is terrified into a stupor and therefore the abyss.
Don’t those imbeciles know
that God is in the mind of man
where life is about survival
and the evidence is clear –
lose your way to heaven on Earth
and the Devil comes into gear?
How can you be so stupid
to avoid the evidence around?
No such future is being written in the earth,
the life force of survival on this planet known.
No such future survival as the earth depletes and erodes,
earth being forced to blow with winds, who knows to where
and from what source the danger did explode.
I saw that cloud coming and thought rain was due,
but then I have been an ignoramus and doubted those
who gave us the much needed worthwhile beneficial news.
I saw that cloud in its force unwind
leaving devastation over lands in-numerous to be cared
and for what purpose, was I an ignorant fool?
I lived in a sort of limbo land
where others would be taking the care
to look after my welfare.
God, what an idiot I did become, so lonely and isolated
and yet there written upon my once glorious space,
the shelter and safety I craved to belong.
Now in the aftermath so little is left
and those with a brain were killed
without thought long ago as being corrupt,
hypercritical of the political wealthy elite.
And we saw it all on a cable television news
and thought how brave and did nothing,
but nothing to counter the argument
even though clear it was a major mind subterfuge.
God are we bleating as if an insignificant crumb?
I hope not for I am bleeding and not from my tongue
more about the weather and the loss of life,
the perpetual hardship and not a third world’s plight.
Somehow the land has been taken over like a pirate’s plight
to increase the wealth and land some booty that did not belong.
I thought that the world was a far more generous place
only to discover I am actually part of that idiotic race.
Take the punishment it fits your crime,
you who stayed individual
and not a voice about that humongous crime.
There is no way out when the weather pattern
lands upon your immediate space –
just accept what is evident and keep pace.
August 28th, 2014
Tags: Being