free of the pastures facing me.
Barren and dry ravaged by drought
despair hollowed out within that dust bare ground.
Loss enormous, painful immense, torrid times,
the Devil’s ground barren, bare and spent.
Loss a bi-word, a conjured thought
pain and sorrow, suffering and disease
these are the scenes in which this planet
has been riddled by man and his eternal greed.
Long ago now, a time less turbulent
there appeared a soul of good intent,
who attempted to show how reversal would restore
and beauty once again would sow crops a-plenty,
trees green, grasses and flowers amassed everywhere.
Water abundant rivers and creeks clear,
soft water, fresh air as if brand new.
No hope of restoration I face here
far gone now no clean waters or air.
Suffer not, no more my darling one,
starve you wont
death is to be for you to face.
Love and embrace, but my strength is now weak
loss, but oh God help me
you will us both soon embrace.
No midnight dawn from now on
hopefully God will to us shine upon.
August 13th, 2014
Tags: Loss