brings one into context with the plight of man
and indeed the connection to God and his plan.
No amount of chatter on the air waves
will create understanding about the life force
and man’s life on this planet once great.
God, whoever you are, maybe not, who knows or cares,
but for the miracle of man and wife, partner or spouse –
no need for a correction whatever does fit.
The process of life does eventually play out.
Sex equals outcome and a man is born,
one with a life and human in form,
but what of this miracle is this planet for him to evolve?
What of a purpose, potential does one even guess I suppose?
I had an answer
that God was actually in the head of man,
a type of ingenious type of life code.
Information able to be known,
that life on planet X was about to be born. –
Difference, integrity, respect and more,
life valued, appreciated and considered worthwhile.
What if the divine or spirit or such
was no more than a man being aware of himself
and the problems he faced
able to communicate and clear that space?
God opens up and shows potential to each as a phenomenon,
a type of other more pure race.
One of a divinity and one of human form and of a brain,
where our God of Life can be instilled to love, observe and inform.
A type of three way partnership in life where each is developing;
one appears as if outer space, but in reality a conscience in place.
A type of critical evaluation about life and potential
and no further human disgrace.
God being in our head this way allows for a greater perspective,
a kind of three way protection against the development of evil,
but of free will and choice being part of that game play.
So man is required to be a responsible authority on right and wrong
to test those views and have a choice whether right behaviour or not.
No where it appears we have to contend with all the rest
this is a divinity of individuals and no need for any form of contest.
Each born out of a necessity to be unique
providing a source of phenomenal force,
but only when awakened
to allow God’s voice to begin to say…
What oh what is of our right
and in how to live a life of worth
and just propriety each day.
Thee is no contest
just begin to be aware
how unique in form
each person
and of their share.
August 5th, 2014
Tags: Being