Is there any part of our life experiences that gives us the answers
to what is of vital importance and which to discard?
God help the sinner who is trapped within past pain;
doubting Thomas, the rest all far too vain.
No understanding, no conceptualised view, lacking moral fibre
let alone the right to live a harmonious life if one is to so choose.
So many sanctimonious hypercritical affairs,
love on the door step over a few, very few wept tears.
Whatever occurred to lose sense of our true code –
life, all life is so precious
how is it now we can throw it so idly away
as if spent milk from a cow?
There is a sudden urgency
does anyone really care
if life on this planet ends
and we all end up particles of nothingness,
a blot upon this once clean, pure air?
July 21st, 2014
Tags: Pilgrimage