Men in their pyjamas creeping around in the dark.
Women loitering, children drug-induced
what is the world coming to or has it lost its sense?
No more harmony, peaceful retired
energy never-ending no more personal pride.
Loss is the decade as many previously found,
but who has an answer, no Jesus now around?
Head trips are everywhere,
people boast with a pride
how wealthy and triumphant
as if a personal wealth-induced prize.
No sense of dignity the race wars increase.
Poverty an outrage in one of the richest lands
the globe has to invent.
No example of humanity at large, only night fighters
or is it the secret barrage of a bomb-laden drone
in the evil of night skies.
I have to begin to understand us, this twenty-first deluge.
What is it about us that appears to prefer
damage rather than preserve?
God oh God, what sort are you –
you who supposedly invented a human form
to live upon this once beauteous Earth?
Don’t under estimate the power of a man,
one who has been to war at least, the very least,
know what in that circumstance he can in violence abuse.
July 20th, 2014
Tags: The Long War