and here upon my breath, breathe that life within?
There is a time of adventure and a time of rest,
but here on planet earth in the West
there is no time to spend at peace and in reflection
as it is far too much into greed and unrest.
God help those of a different breed who take life seriously,
well toward a life of pleasant thoughts
and endearing types of end.
It is a time when unrest is everywhere it appears
and our globe is under duress
as it panics and goes into some form of a dilemma tragically.
Who am I that calls you, that is your question I hear,
but this is not about you as much as
what you in that life on earth can do for me.
the part within your mind clearly able to tell what is what
and where life for you is going from time to time.
I have a clearly defined agenda and it takes the form as this
to where I am at present calling upon your voice
and openly your heart
to attest to what in this world gravely is happening
and what you in your small and vital way
are able to address for me in the following form.
God help me am I falling into some form of mind bending array
or is this the mind that I have held strongly back at bay?
The value of this information is not about to waiver
for it is in your best interests
as it is for all those to whom align and live on earth.
God is not a thing, but a being, a type of universal truth
contained within the fabric of our human brain,
that of conscious understanding and the ability to know truth
from the daily propaganda that we are constantly being fed.
June 29th, 2014
Tags: Pilgrimage