I’m frowning
I’m grey all of the time.
I don’t think so.
I don’t know.
What is it, where am I…
I have no idea at all.
The valley once green – gone, no more.
The valley of smells delightful –
no sense of smell anymore.
Where am I, who am I,
whatever has become of my world?
The view, the taste, the scene, the delight –
no more of any of it – why?
has changed to become bare.
The valley green with cows
and pastures full of the sweetness of life’s breath –
gone, no more.
Whatever has become of that fresh clean air,
the valley green, the cows in the pastures,
the violets a-massed along the walk ways –
the delights of life filling my days.
I don’t know, you don’t appear to care.
Is it only me that notices the changes
so dramatic everywhere.
I have to recall the changes that occurred
so that another generation can contend
with the rapidness of life
no longer fresh and clean,
the air sweet and the valley serene.
What I have logged
will amaze a new generation
that fills these valleys of lost potential
and hindrance by greed.
I do not have the answers for what has occurred,
but I do have my suspicions and it does not look good
for the myriads of people now populating this earth.
We have become so entrenched
with the desires of the flesh made man
that quiver and vibrate us into this frenzy
of want all of the time.
No greed can account for this madness
swept over this land and man.
No amount of suffering has entered their minds
to what is in extent the end of our earth time.
No amount of suffering can determine our end.
The life styles of the rich have invaded us in droves
and no place, but credit is squeezing the life blood
out of man’s mind of thoughtful reflection
and future protective practice for prosperity at large.
I don’t give a damn about others who do not care,
but for the generations to come – who is available
to give them a large, enormous in fact, helping hand.
No evidence for survival has been here planned.
No out from the disasters occurring elsewhere,
but also at every article of purchase no care
just spend ad infinitum as if life has no hope, but despair.
I counter this argument and try as I will
I too am part of this twenty-first century hell.
Do not despair the world is okay,
you though, I am uncertain – you are human
and lost all the will to care and provide.
So let us say you are at the whim of the gods –
whomever, whatever are they…?
January 16th, 2014
Tags: Awake