then they sang again,
but did not hear.
The fear they felt
was way beyond any known.
But this most foul
and so strange a sight
brought the tears flooding
onto unsuspecting crowds.
For here, high up on hallowed ground
the Lord’s most reverenced angels gathered
on this Earth once beautiful –
they mourned its loss immense.
And shame
of such an enormous burden
fell upon man – his disgrace.
God, how futile man is
on such as grand an empire life is.
And yet in honesty claimed
the soul did try its best,
but greed in such an overwhelming crowd
failed to be recognising the good inside.
And hence violence and despair,
loathing and anguish,
sorrow and disdain
took him out and into this crowd –
and all that was left – be damned.
January 11th, 2014
Tags: Loss